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How to mirror a WordPress site between a web server and a desktop testbed server

How to Migrate your WordPress blog in 5 easy steps (or back it up in 2!).

  1. Archive all files from the WordPress installation:

    [bash]tar -czf /home/yoursite_files.tar.gz yoursite[/bash]

    Doing this compresses all the files in the “yoursite” directory into one file, “yousite_files.tar.gz”. This makes it easy and fast to download the entire site as one file instead of downloading each file individually.

  2. Export the WordPress database:

    [bash]mysqldump –add-drop-table -h localhost -u dbuser -pPassword wordpressdb | gzip >wordpressdb.gz[/bash]

    This command dumps your MySQL database to a text file. The pipe command, “|”, tells the OS to then channel that data into a gzipped file, “wordpressdb.gz”.

    At this point, you are done if you just wanted a backup of your WordPress site. If you ever want to restore the backup, follow steps 3 and 4. If you want to migrate or mirror your WordPress site at a different domain, do the following:

  3. Extract all files from WordPress installation onto mirror server into the desired directory.

    These are the files in “yoursite_files.tar.gz”. Use your favorite extracting program to do so. I personally use 7zip on my Windows workstation.

  4. Import WordPress DB on other computer:

    1. If this is the first time you are backing up your database, make sure to create a database and user in MySQL beforehand. This should be the same WordPress database user name and password as on your web server. Example sql:
      CREATE DATABASE website_db_wp;
      USE website_db_wp;
      GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON website_db_wp.* TO ‘webuser’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’;
    2. Extract the gzipped SQL file, “wordpressdb.gz”.
    3. Import the database using the SQL file:
      • Using phpMyAdmin -> Use wordpressdb and select “import”
      • cmd line -> [bash]mysql -u user -pPassword wordpressdb < wordpressdb.sql[/bash]
  5. Change WordPress DB Setup for the new domain name:

    [sql]UPDATE wp_options SET option_value=’http://yourdomainname’ WHERE option_name IN (‘siteurl’,’home’)[/sql]

    The only thing you need to change in the above SQL statement is ‘http://yourdomainname’

    If the query is successful you should see something like:

    Query OK, 2 rows affected

    Note: I recommend using your domain name without the top-level domain (TLD), so that you don’t run into issues when attempting to login as admin. Also, you will need to set up a virtual host in Apache. Edit httpd-vhosts.conf. If you are using XAMPP, this is in .\xampp\apache\conf. First, make sure to un-comment at the top:

    # Use name-based virtual hosting.
    ##NameVirtualHost *:80
    NameVirtualHost *:80[/bash]

    Now add a virtual host; you need this at the bare minimum:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName website1
    DocumentRoot "C:/web/site1/path"

    For each virtual host you add, you must also add the “ServerName” above to the list of aliases for in your “hosts” file. If you’re using windows, it is under C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\. E.g.:

    [bash] localhost website1

    Now, when you type “http://website1/” into your browser, it will point to the “C:/web/site1/path” directory (due to the change you made in “hosts”) and Apache will serve that directory (due to the virtual server added to “httpd-vhosts.conf”).

That’s it! You have backed up, restored, or migrated your WordPress blog.

More Resources:

Published inDevelopment


  1. Im not sure about the command line, but in phpmyadmin to execute this command, it must have double quotes:

    UPDATE wp_options SET option_value=”http://yourdomainname” WHERE option_name IN (“siteurl”,”home”)

    Mine executed fine with this, but has some redirect problems in logging into wp-admin.


    • I was having redirect problems logging in too. That’s why I set option_value=”http://joebashe” on my local computer rather than “”. By doing this, it will redirect to your local server (assuming you have set up a virtual host in apache config.)

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